Much like the craft of any other professional worth their salt, mastery in managing a workplace’s essential facilities is multi-faceted. You have to contend with challenges in managing costs, optimising staff schedules and supplies, and keeping up with fluctuating usage patterns while maintaining a clean, conducive environment – all on a daily basis.
Yet, unlike the applause for celebrated figures of our time, one of the marks of a manager’s success is a quiet, uneventful day – business as usual, with little to no disruptions or complaints. It can be thankless work, but it’s vital in times of keener awareness towards hygiene standards.
To quote former Apple CEO Steve Jobs, “great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” Same goes for the task of managing the facilities in your business. Empowered with the right solutions, you can wield the elements of facility management and make an art out of efficient handling of these four factors: balancing costs, managing waste, creating impact, and ensuring quality.
Together, we’ll cover these four and discover how you can take control and make a positive change across the board.